By Lisa Cohn and Michael Cohn Michael, age 7, loves to give advice to young readers at bookstores and libraries. And that happens nearly every day because he frequents bookstores and libraries most days. If
A to Z Mysteries
6-Year-Old Book Reviewer Gives A to Z Mysteries Book 10 Million Stars!
Michael, our 6-year-old book reviewer, recently visited Connecticut, and was absolutely sure the town he visited was Green Lawn–the town where the “A to Z Mysteries” take place! Because he was certain we were in Green Lawn (in reality a fictional town), he decided to review an “A to Z
Six-Year-Old Book Lover Reviews “The Canary Caper”
“The Canary Caper” by Ron Roy–an A to Z Mystery–is the subject of 6-year-old Michael’s book review today. Michael takes his favorite books with him and reviews them in gyms, parks, ski lodges, libaries, taxis and museums. In this case, he’s at the Playground Gym in Portland, and spends some