Hero dog stories are Michael’s favorite stories. In this video, Michael, co-author of “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence,” relates the story of Bear, a mastiff mix who saved his owner, a retired policewoman, from a fire. He woke her up at 5 a.m. by jumping on her bed. The owner
Articles by Lisa cohn
New Puppy Tips for Kids: When Your Dog Barks While You’re Taking A Bath
New Puppy Tips for Kids: What To Do When Your Dog Barks While You’re Taking a Bath Michael, chief vlogger at “Michael’s Dog Blog,” thinks it’s very important for kids with new puppies to know what to do when your new puppy barks while you’re taking a bath. This was
Book Reviews By Kids: We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog
Book Reviews By Kids: Michael and Mia Review “We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog.” Michael, co-author of the dog picture book, “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence,” along with his friend, Mia, who is 13, review the Charlie and Lola book, “We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog.” We hope
Dog Info for Kids: Dogs Need a Life Vest
People often assume that dogs–especially Golden Retrievers and Labs–are natural swimmers. That’s not true, says Julie, who trains dogs to swim and provides hydrotherapy for them. In this video, she says that about 10,000 dogs drown a year. Watch the video here: We can help prevent dogs from drowning by
Children’s Book Reviews: “Bash And Lucy Fetch Confidence”
Children’s Book Reviews: “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence” We have a proof of our book and the reviews are coming in….Here are a few: “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence” is a wonderful story that teaches kids and their families about the important relationships we can have with dogs and illustrates
Dog Fun Facts for Kids: Sing & Read To Your Dog!
Did you know that singing–or reading–to your dog can boost your confidence about singing–or reading? That’s because your faithful friends will quietly keep you company and love you while you’re singing or reading. Dogs don’t judge and never say that you made a mistake! In this video, Michael, co-author of
Kids’ Dog Blog Provides Fun Dog Facts for Kids, Kids’ Dog Book Reviews
Kids’Dog Blog Provides Fun Dog Facts for Kids, Kids’ Dog Book Reviews–and More: Press Release Five-year-old author Michael Cohn, 5, and his mom and co-author, Lisa Cohn, have launched “Michael’s Dog Blog,” a blog for kids featuring dog facts for kids, dog heroism tales, and book reviews by Michael and
Kids’ Book Review By Mia, Age 13: Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence
In this video, Mia, age 13, reviews “Bash And Lucy Fetch Confidence.” Michael, co-author of the dog picture book, makes an appearance. Watch the video here: Mia says she especially likes the illustrations from Heather Nichols, one of which is featured above. She also likes the idea of combining a
Fun Dog Information for Kids: Dogs Taste Smells!
Fun Dog Information for Kids: Dogs Taste Smells[/caption] Did you know that dogs can taste smells? The area in their brains and noses that manages smells is 1,000 times larger than those areas in humans, according to Gaby Dufresne-Cyr, an animal behavior consultant and dog trainer at The Dogue Shop.
Fun Dog Facts for Kids: Dogs’ Ears Get Hot When They Swim
Fun Dog Facts for Kids: Dogs’ Ears Get Hot When They Swim! In this video, Julie, who helps dogs learn how to swim and get low-impact exercise, explains that dogs’ ears get really hot when they swim. When they work out too much, they get hot dog ears! Julie checks