We want to thank our Bash and Lucy team–our illustrator, designer, editors, readers and voice-over artists.
Here’s how we thank the team in our new children’s book, Bash and Lucy Say, “Love, Love, Bark!”
Thanks to illustrator Heather Nichols for bringing our books to life with creativity, playfulness, and a sense of humor. Designer Vinnie Kinsella, we appreciate your vision, expert advice, and design talent. Editors Laura Garwood and Catherine McCrorey, thanks for your attention to detail. Elisa Wood and Ally Merkel, we appreciate your ongoing support as readers and cheerleaders.
Thanks to all the friends and family members who have lent their voices to our audiobooks. (That includes Hudson, pictured above, who barks in our last audiobook).
Big thanks to Tatiana Terdal for sharing her amazing mother, Vera Moroz, with us. And Vera, we can’t thank you enough for enriching our lives with so much goodness, wisdom, spirit, and love.
–Lisa and Michael Cohn

Of course, we also want to thank our dogs!
Our dedications:

For Hudson, our ball-chasing best friend, comedian and bark-over artist. We love you!
–Lisa and Michael

Dedicated to my dog, Sprig, for the love and joy he brings to my life.
— Heather
We’d also like to thank the folks who wrote early reviews of our book.
You can read them here:
Reviews of Bash and Lucy Say, “Love, Love, Bark!”
Meanwhile, you have until May 11 to enter our Goodreads Giveaway. Check it out: Book Giveaway for Bash and Lucy Say, “Love, Love, Bark!”
Or, you can skip the giveaway and help us support Ukraine. One hundred percent of the proceeds of our book and ebook sales go to the Ukrainian Foundation in April and May.
That means if you buy a $2.99 ebook, $2.99 goes to the Ukrainian Foundation. Or for the paperback, we will donate the entire sale price –$12.99–(which includes our share of costs). Check it out on Amazon.
And don’t forget to watch our first book trailer, featuring 5-year-old Michael romping with puppy Hudson. Michael makes a special request at the end: