The inspiring librarian in our next–and fourth–children’s book is Ally, Bash’s older sister.
Not only is she a comforting presence when Bash is upset. She’s also the mayor and the founder of a dance troupe, “Impulsive!” She is a special kind of leader; she leads without people knowing she’s leading them.
In the fourth Bash and Lucy book, Bash runs to the library whenever he’s upset. In the library, not only does his sister comfort him. So do the dusty paper scents of books, book marks, hold slips, and scrap paper.
In Bash and Lucy Book four, someone has been stealing Bash’s favorite dog books from the library and replacing them with video games. Bash is crushed that this is happening, and feels like the thefts are a personal attack on him. Ally, along with Grandma Vera and Bash, conduct an investigation to find out who is stealing the books.
Ally and the library are also important because this is where the Roving Reader Leaders meet to discuss books. Check out the real Roving Reader Leaders in this video:
Our upcoming Bash and Lucy book also includes many references to much-loved dog books. They include Survivors, Nate the Great, Good Dog, Carl, Because of Winn Dixie, Ginger Pie and many others! When kids read our fourth book, they’ll get lots of reading ideas!
As you may have surmised, dog books are an important part of Bash and Lucy Book 4.
And so are dogs! Be sure to watch young Michael frolic with puppy Hudson in our very first book trailer:
And don’t forget to listen to our last audiobook, which includes voice-overs by Michael, friends and family members–including Ally, Michael’s sister in real life:
Stay tuned! We are now working on the cover for the fourth book, and will be sharing it shortly. The book will be released very soon!
Questions? Email us at BashAndLucy@gmail.com