By Lisa Cohn
Nine years ago, an award-winning teen videographer filmed our boy and puppy book trailer, featuring puppy Hudson (now 9) romping with Michael, age 5.
Hudson became a new family member a few months after our dog Lucy died suddenly at the age of six, breaking our hearts. To help us overcome the pain of losing her, we wrote our first book, Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence, which features Lucy, a ball-loving golden retriever who instills confidence in the kids on Bash’s soccer team. Her loving, happy-go-lucky personality is a supportive and goofy presence while the kids are playing soccer. And of course, she makes the soccer players laugh.
Because Michael loves to listen to audiobooks, just after we released our first kids’ dog book, he came up with the idea of producing an audiobook with voice-overs by him, me, his sister and his friends. You can listen to the audiobook HERE.
Hudson became a character in Bash and Lucy Book 3, and even did some voice-over barking in our third audiobook.
You can learn more about what a mischievous puppy Hudson was by reading a story I wrote for Dogster, My Dog Ruined My Son’s Birthday Party, and Taught Me Who My. True Friends Are.
Be sure to watch the book trailer, starring Hudson and Michael, along with a brief appearance by Ally, Michael’s older sister. (She appears in Books 3 and our soon-to-be released fourth book. She’s also one of our voice-over artists.)
After watching this video, you will likely understand why Hudson is always the most popular pup in the park!
Be sure to email us with any questions and comments! BashAndLucy@gmail.com. And stay tuned for our fourth book, which is now being illustrated! It’s titled Bash and Lucy Say, “Love Like a Dog.”