For kids now at home due to school closings, we’re offering three free children’s audiobooks, all of which were recorded with the voices of Michael (now age 11), his friends and family members. (Plus his dog!). Our kid voice-over artists range in age from 6-12 in the various audiobooks.
All of the audiobooks are high quality enough to be available on Audible.
Children have told us how much they love listening to other kids’ voices in the audiobooks, which makes us happy!
Our first audiobook, “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence,” was recorded when Michael was six years old. Because Michael is an audiobook lover, he insisted that we create an audio version of the book.
That audiobook features the voices of Michael, age 6, and friends, age 6-8. Lisa is the narrator.
You can listen here: Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence audiobook
Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence, an illustrated picture book, is a Mom’s Choice Silver Award Winner, and Finalist, 2013 USA Best Book Awards. It’s a contemporary boy-and-dog tale. Talkative Bash has a big problem in soccer: His beloved dog, Lucy, is a pro at nabbing the ball, but sometimes at the wrong moment. Coach wants to ban Lucy from soccer practice and games, separating Bash from a companion who boosts his confidence in sports–and life. In this picture book for kids age 4-8, Bash and friends help Coach understand that with Lucy by their side, they feel more confident, laugh more often, and are comforted when they make mistakes.
The second kids’ audiobook, “Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy,” features the same cast, plus Ally, Michael’s 21-year-old sister. The kid voice-over artists range in age from 7-10 in this audio.
Like our first book, it’s an illustrated picture book, for kids 4-8 or so.
You can listen here: Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy
In “Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy,” Bash is overcome with jealousy when Lucy enchants a team of Special Olympics kids who say they want his dog to coach their team. Can Bash overcome his jealousy and learn to share Lucy with kids who say they need her?
Our third audiobook, “Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts,” features the voices of six kids, one Ukrainian grandmother, Michael’s sister, Ally, and our dog, Hudson!
You can listen here: Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts audiobook
In the book, featured in Voice of America, sensitive Bash gets grumpy and disruptive when his life is too bright, too loud, too smelly, or too busy. To stay calm, he relies on his librarian sister, Ally, his friends, and especially his dog, Lucy. But Lucy has become a local superstar–and many kids in town want her to coach their teams.
Vera Moroz, Michael’s surrogate grandma from Ukraine, is the grandma and the Ukrainian voice-over artist in this book–and she’ll also be featured in out next book. Stay tuned!
Watch Michael dedicate our last book to Vera, and grab a hanky!