Our latest children’s audiobook, Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts, was recorded with the voices of six kids, one Ukrainian grandma, a big sis (Ally) and a dog! You can check it out on Audible here: Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera audiobook.
Above is a caricature of Ally, Michael’s big sis and an important voice-over artist in our latest audiobook. She reads for the character of Ally, the librarian, dancer and mayor in the book and audiobook. The character is based on the real Ally, who is a college student and actress. She’s a girlpower character in the book, and also a voice of goodness and kindness.
The book and audiobook, Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts, are about a sensory-sensitive boy, Bash, who relies on his big sis, friends and dog (Lucy) to stay calm when the world is too bright, loud or busy.
But the audiobook for Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts is not the only children’s audiobook we have produced, featuring the voices of kids (with the help of Ally).
Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy was recorded with the voices of kids age 7-9. The voice-over artists include Michael, age 7 at the time, and his friends, Matthew, Adam and Edward (age 7-9 at the time). Ally read the last line. You can check it out on Audible here.
In that book/audiobook, Bash learns how to share his canine companion, Lucy, with a kids’ Special Olympics team. Below is a picture of Michael (far left), Adam and Matthew recording the kids’ audiobook. They’re all 7 years old.

Our very first kids’ audiobook, Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence, was recorded when the boys were only five years old. Because co-author Michael (now age 10) is a huge kids’ audiobook lover, he came up with the idea of creating the audiobooks.
Listen on Audible here.
In our first book, readers are introduced to golden retriever Lucy and learn a few thing about what dogs can do for kids.
In each audiobook, Lisa, Michael’s mom (me), is the narrator.
Email us with questions at BashAndLucy@gmail.com!
And don’t forget to watch Michael dedicate our latest book to Vera, his Ukrainian grandma, also a voice-over artist in our latest book!