Reviews of our new children’s audiobook for “Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts” are coming in and we’re excited! We just finished sending out 49 CDs to the winners of our Goodreads giveaway.
Listen to a sample and check out the audiobook on Audible here: https://adbl.co/2Oh4KSY
The children’s audiobook was recorded with our voices (Lisa Cohn and Michael Cohn, age 10), five of Michael’s friends, his big sister, Ally, his Ukrainian grandma, Vera, and our dog, Hudson!
Our first review came from a listener in southern Oregon. Here’s what she sent us via email:
In the second review, Amanda wrote on Goodreads, “I won a copy of the audiobook from a Goodreads giveaway. My boys enjoyed listening to the story and I enjoyed the characters and issues that were mentioned.”
Jennifer, a third giveaway winner wrote, “Listened to the audiobook a couple times commuting to work and back. Great concept writing books together as mother & son. The audiobook was entertaining but have a burning question about what is wrong with the character Bash who all his friends are constantly protecting him from temper tantrums by giving him hippie snacks? I will be passing this audiobook on to a younger audience, thank you Lisa & Michael for the opportunity to get to know Lucy, Bash, Ally, Vera & Hudson.”
Our response was, “Such an interesting question! The reference to hippie food reminds us that life is different here in Oregon! (where “hippie food” is often the norm.) Bash has sensory sensitivities (which are described in the book and audiobook) and is prone to meltdowns if he’s exposed to too much stimulation that’s hard for him. Healthy, sugar-free food helps keep his blood sugar up and keep him calm!”
We really enjoy getting this feedback. If you’re a giveaway winner, please let us know your thoughts via email (BashAndLucy@gmail.com) or by posting a review on Audible, Goodreads or Amazon.
And don’t forget to watch Michael dedicate the book (and audiobook) to his Ukrainian grandma, Vera, whose voice is also featured in the children’s audiobook!