We’re excited about our Mom-Son Author school visits this month, and will also be visiting the Hillsboro Public Library.
In addition, we’re planning Mom-Son Author school visits via Skype in the classroom around the world, with our first later this month.
During our school visits this month–with the Hillsboro Public Library, the Oregon Home Education Network (OHEN), and a school in the Eugene, Oregon area–we’ll be focusing on our latest book, Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts. We’ll be sharing both the book and the audiobook, which is now being recorded with voice-overs by six kids, three adults, and one adorable dog!
At the Hillsboro Public Library, Lisa will participate in a discussion that focuses on diversity in books. She’ll be talking about why she and Michael chose a character, Bash, who has sensory sensitivities–and how readers have responded (in surprising ways!). She’ll also touch on the girl power theme in Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts and how readers have responded (again, in surprising ways!).

Our first visit will be Friday, Sept. 7. We’ll be sharing our books and audiobooks at the OHEN Not Back to School Resource Fair: http://www.ohen.org/not-back-to-school-day-resource-fair/
On Monday Sept. 17, we’ll be visiting a school in Eugene, Ore. And on Sept. 22, we’ll be participating in the Hillsboro Local Authors Fair https://www.facebook.com/events/363576484182078/
Our first Skype in the classroom visit this year will be with first graders in Florida Sept. 24. While these kids are too young for our latest book, we will share our earlier books and clips from the new audiobook.
Learn about and sign up for our Skype in the Classroom lessons here: https://education.microsoft.com/LisaMichaelCohn. To date, we’ve “traveled” 540,000 miles to meet with students in 15 countries around the world. Teachers who are interested in having us visit their students can also email us at BashAndLucy@gmail.com
Our New Audiobook

If you’re interested in learning more about our audiobook, you can listen to some samples here. In the first, Michael reads the credits and the dedication to Vera. Music is by Mr. Hoo, Michael’s music teacher:
Audiobook Intro, Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera
In the second, listeners will hear the voices of Michael, his 11-year-old friend, Sammy (who reads Paula’s lines), and Ukrainian grandma Vera:
Sample from Audiobook of “Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera & the Dream Beasts”
Be sure to email us with questions and comments! BashAndLucy@gmail.com