A popular character in our latest kidlit book is Ally, the girl-power librarian, mayor and dancer in Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts.
By popular, we mean that reviewers comment on her role in the book, often saying she’s a great role model for girls.They also comment on how the main character, Bash, uses the library to find information about Title IX, a theme in the book.
Ally’s character is based on Michael’s sister, the real Ally, who loves to read, is a dancer and improv artist, and is studying political science in college.
Her most important role is girl-power librarian. Whenever Bash, the main character, is upset or confused, he runs to the library for help from Ally. He also feels comforted by the library.
In the beginning of the book, Bash sprints to the library when he’s upset. “The sound of Ally’s voice soothed him for a minute. So did the dusty paper smell of books, bookmarks, hold slips, scrap paper, magazines, and pencils.”
Libraries and bookstores are really important to us. We visit a library or bookstore almost daily, looking for Michael’s favorite kidlit books or information about animals, a place we want to visit, or another topic that interests Michael. Recently, we checked out all the “Wings of Fire” books–and audiobooks.
We love libraries so much that on New Year’s Eve, our favorite place to party is the local library, which holds a “Loud in the Library” New Year’s Eve event.
We also love librarians, which is why we cast one in a featured role in our book. Here are some of the reviewers’ comments about Ally’s role in Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts:
Very interesting and captivating character
“I have four daughters and wish this book was around when they were growing up to help them to adjust to the tough world out there. Ally, the mayor-librarian-dancer, is a very interesting and captivating character good for the young ever absorbing mind to learn kindness.”
–Team Golfwell, on Amazon
It’s Cool that Ally is Everywhere
“I think it’s cool that Ally is everywhere. Whenever you need her, she’s there.”
–10-yr-old Amanda, as part of Tina Morley’s review on Amazon
Great Role Model
“Great female characters in this book, including mayor-librarian-dancer Ally, whose smarts, talents, and kindness make her a great role model.”
–Elisa Wood, on Amazon
Library is a Good Resource
Dawn, a blogger at Bound for Escape, wrote that kids learn “the library is a good resource for information.”
Want to join in the conversation? Tell us what you think of our girl-power librarian! Email us at BashAndLucy@gmail.com and we’ll send you a review copy of the book!
Read other reviews here: http://www.bashandlucy.com/2018/06/11/reviews-bash-lucy-fetch-team-vera-dream-beasts/
In the meantime, be sure to watch Michael dedicate Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts to his surrogate grandma, Vera, who also plays an important role in our latest book!