Reviews of Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera & the Dream Beasts, our latest book, are coming in, and we’re thrilled with them!
We’ve received reviews on Amazon and from bloggers. We hope they inspire you to read our latest book, which was recently featured in Voice of America, an article that garnered more than 800 Facebook shares. Read it here: Voice of America Article: Immigrant Grandma in Our Book
In addition, the kindle version of our book is Amazon’s Number 1 New Release in kids’ soccer books.
Here are reviews of Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera & the Dream Beasts:
An Important Message Candy-Wrapped with Humor!
Blogger Tina Morley and her daughter, Amanda, age 10, wrote on Amazon and in their blog: Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts teaches an important message candy wrapped with humor. Bash learns that under the Title IX law, girls have equal rights as boys when it comes to the best coaches and education. This is an early chapter book with expressive illustrations.
Ten-year-old Amanda’s wrote, I liked that they loved dogs so much and let them be coaches. I think it’s cool that Ally is everywhere. Whenever you need her, she’s there. I like that the grandma is a coach and teaches the best girl team. I also like the grandma’s accent.
Loved All the Bash and Lucy Books
Elisa Wood wrote on Amazon,
I’ve loved all of the Bash and Lucy books. But this one is my favorite. Great female characters in this book, including mayor-librarian-dancer Ally, whose smarts, talents, and kindness make her a great role model. I also really like the tough, loving and much admired Grandma Vera, the assistant mayor and coach of the most successful girls’ team in the state. Another female role model is Paula, who is intent on ensuring Title IX is enforced, and the girls get the best coach, even though that coach happens to be a dog named Lucy. This book is great fun to read, but I also couldn’t help but think about the way immigrants are maligned these days and how nice it was to see one championed in a Bash and Lucy book. Keep them coming please, son and daughter team, Michael and Lisa Cohn! Great read! You scored once again!
A Fun and Cute Story for Kids of All Ages
Dawn at the blog Bound for Escape https://bound4escape.com/2018/05/23/book-review-giveaway-bash-and-lucy-fetch-team-vera-and-the-dream-beasts-by-lisa-michael-cohn/ wrote:
Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts is a fun and cute story for children of all ages. What’s great about it is that it’s not only a good story with great illustrations, but it teaches several things throughout the story without children even realizing that they’re learning. Some examples of what is learned (I’m sure there’s much more):
- Bash is sensory-sensitive and readers learn what it means to be sensory-sensitive and how to avoid being on “overload” (my word). Bash also has an active imagination that helps him to understand what is going on around him
- Paula is all about girl-power and we learn about Title XI from her and the rest of Grandma Vera’s team
- the library is a good resource for information
- dogs are great companions for everyone
- compromise is better than arguing and fighting
I definitely recommend the Bash and Lucy books and look forward to reading more of them in the future.
Showing Kids What Sensory Sensitivities Feel Like
Cat Michaels wrote on her blog, Cat’s Corner, http://www.catmichaelswriter.com/:
Their book speaks to me as a former special educator as the authors address challenges faced by kids for whom certain sights and sounds send them into sensory overload.
I’ve worked with many children and parents to address this unique style, so I’m over the moon to see more authors tackle this issue…I loved my first glimpse (of the book). With its kid-friendly layour and font (no visual distractions here!) and bright pictures providing context clues for each chapter, it’s perfect for beginning readers or reading aloud. Plus, Bash and Lucy offer tons of discussion possibilities about inclusion and bullying.
Universal Appeal of the Story and its Characters
On Amazon, “T” wrote,
I think kids and their parents should read this book because I like the message and the universal appeal of this story and its characters. Bash is a sweet sensitive boy who loves dogs and especially his dog Lucy. Ally and Paula are strong girl characters who know what they want. And we all have somebody like Grandma Vera in our lives who is tough and loving at the same time, somebody who can give good advice and a cookie to make us feel better. All kids sometimes need a bit of help from their family and their wonderful pets.
Excellent Read and Entertaining
Audrey wrote on Amazon:
“Excellent read and entertaining! Fun, dynamic characters that make you connect with your own family or friends. I love it when I read out loud and my son stands up anticipating the next event in excitement! Very amusing and captivating illustrations!! Love all the books!”
Again, we hope these reviews entice you to purchase a copy on Amazon here and write your own review:
Bash and Lucy Fetch Team Vera and the Dream Beasts
Watch Michael dedicate the book to Vera: