By Lisa and Michael Cohn
Okay, we have to brag just a little. That’s because we’re so excited and proud.
Our “Bash and Lucy” books are now ranked on Amazon’s top charts in three categories. “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence” has hit Amazon’s rankings in the children’s dog book category, and “Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy” made Amazon’s top charts in three categories: the special needs, pets and dogs categories for children’s books. If a book is in the top chart in a category, it means it is one of the Top 100 in that category.
You can tell we hit the charts when you visit our page and scroll to the rankings. For example, for “Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy,” you’ll see this:
Here’s what Amazon says about this:
“Every book will have a Best Seller Rank after it has sold at least one copy, but Category rankings will only appear in the Product Details section of a book’s detail page if the book is ranked within the Top 100 books in its category. Rankings are updated hourly but may take 24-48 hours to appear after the first completed sale. Rankings reflect newer and historical sales of every book sold, with recent sales weighted more heavily.”
On Amazon, you can also read the many reviews of our books. “Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy,” our latest book, has 51 reviews.
This is probably our favorite review by the blogger Eloquent Articulation: “This is one picture book that should be read by all children regardless of age and by their parents. I found the story of the lovable Dog Lucy and the charming boy Bash so endearing, sweet and emotional, tugging at my heart strings that I recommend it to everyone.“
Find “Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy” on Amazon Here
Find “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence” on Amazon Here
Meanwhile, we’re working on the audiobook for “Bash and Lucy Fetch Jealousy” and also starting to pen our third book, which will be a chapter book!
What does our young co-author, Michael, who just turned 7, have to say about this? “Let’s get moving on our next book!”
Email us with questions or comments! BashAndLucy@gmail.com