By Lisa Cohn
My book lover and budding book critic–Michael, now age 6–began doing YouTube book reviews when he was a few months short of 5 years old.
In his first review, at age 4, of “Clifford the Firehouse Dog,” he praised “Clifford, big old red dog,” for saving the fireman from a burning tower.
Since then, he has reviewed many books, classics such as “Clifford” and “Henry and Mudge,” as well as lesser-known picture books from independent authors.
In nearly every case, he gave the books ratings ranging from 10 stars to 2 million stars–out of 10 possible stars!
He has conducted his reviews in gymnasiums, taxis, parks, ski lodges and his bedroom, as well as on beaches and city streets. Why? Because talking about books is just as much fun as visiting all these places. And it’s especially fun to combine playtime and vacations with KidLit talk!
Most recently, Michael decided to share what he doesn’t like about his favorite book series– the Berenstain Bears, Henry and Mudge and Nate the Great.
He gives tips to the famous authors of these KidLit books in this video:
In this review–as well as others–Michael holds his Teddy Bear, Eddie, or is sure his bear is close by.
We love to share Michael’s enthusiasm for books–and hope it’s contagious!
Got a book you think Michael should review? Email us at BashAndLucy@gmail.com!