Why should kids listen to audiobooks about dogs? Here are four great reasons!
1. They Teach Kids To Love Dogs
First of all, audiobooks about dogs, like their printed versions, teach kids about all the great reasons to love, admire and respect dogs. In Henry and Mudge, for example, we learn about a tight bond between a boy, Henry, and his lovable dog, Mudge, and all the fun Henry has with his tail-wagging pal.
2. Audiobooks Give Kids a Fresh Perspective and New Information
Audiobooks give kids a fresh perspective on their favorite kids’ dog books. When kids hear their book read out loud by someone other than their parent, they tend to “see” the book in a different light. When Michael, age 6, and I listened to the “Nate the Great” audiobooks over and over, Michael pointed out a number of new details about the books. Actor John Lavelle’s voice really brought life to the characters, including Sludge, the adorable dog detective. Michael pointed out that Rosamond is ever stranger when Lavelle reads her part! And Sludge is even cuter–if that’s possible.
3. In Audiobooks, the Reader Doesn’t Fall Asleep
I have to confess: When I read to Michael at night, and lay down and snuggle with him, it’s so easy to drift off to sleep. But when Michael listens to an audiobook, the reader never falls asleep! That means he doesn’t miss a thing about the clever, funny, endearing, and lovable qualities of the dogs who are characters in his favorite books.
4. Audiobooks Help Teach Kids to Read!
When children listen to an audiobook while following along and looking at the text version, they learn how to read. They can listen to the words while looking at the letters, and figure out which combinations of letters go with which sounds. That’s how my book lover, Michael, taught himself to read–by listening and looking.
Our favorite kids’ dog books include Nate the Great, Henry and Mudge, Scooby-Doo, and Good Dog Carl.
We’ve found that we love audiobooks so much we decided to create one for our own kids’ dog book, “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence.” In the audiobook, I’m the narrator and Michael and three friends, age 6 to 8, read the parts of the boys. Listen by clicking on this YouTube preview of the book and audiobook:
Questions? Email us at BashAndLucy.com! Follow us on twitter for updates about the release of our audiobook, very soon! https://twitter.com/bashandlucy_