Another Book Review By Kids! Michael, age 5, and Mia, age 13, review the kids’ dog book, “Bad Dog Bailey.” They give the illustrated children’s book a big thumbs-up. Michael thinks it’s funny, and shares his favorite pages. Mia likes Bailey’s transformation from bad dog to good dog in the book. And Lisa (a grown-up kid) throws in her opinions, saying what she thinks smaller children will like best.
You can watch the review here, which includes Michael’s usual (and silly) opening and closing:
Michael and Mia have strong opinions about kid’s books. In our “kids’ dog book reviews for kids” series on youtube, we hope to inspire other young readers with Michael’s and Mia’s enthusiasm for children’s books–especially kids’ dog books. Demand has been growing for book reviews from Michael and Mia; they will soon begin reviewing all kinds of children’s books, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, we hope you take a moment to learn a little about Michael’s dog picture book, “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence.” You can watch the video trailer here, which features Michael and his dog, Hudson. It was filmed by award-winning teen videographer Denis Berberovic, a friend of Michael and his sister.
A Boy, His Dog, A Book, and Love
Stay tuned for more book reviews by kids for kids, including dog book reviews from Michael’s cousins and friends, age 4 to 8.
Hi Michael and Mia,
Bailey reminds me of a few dogs I know — they misbehave sometimes, but in the end they’re very loyal and fun to be around! Great review!
Thanks for reading and watching! She reminds me of a few dogs I know, too!