Book Reviews By Kids: Michael and Mia Review “We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog.”

Michael, co-author of the dog picture book, “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence,” along with his friend, Mia, who is 13, review the Charlie and Lola book, “We Honestly Can Look After Your Dog.”
We hope to inspire young readers with Michael’s and Mia’s enthusiasm for books and with our book reviews by kids, age 5 to 13.
Watch the video here:
Michael loves to do book reviews–especially of dog picture books! And he loves to do kids’ book reviews with his friend Mia.
Michael especially likes this book because it teaches kids what NOT to do when you’re walking a dog. However, Lola accidentally does what she isn’t supposed to do. Watch the video to learn more!
Even better, the book is funny, like most Charlie and Lola books, says Michael.
Michael hopes that young readers will think his dog picture book is also funny. It’s about a chatty boy, Bash, (who looks like Michael) and his wise but mischievous Golden Retriever, Lucy. The pair teach a kids’ sports team about teamwork, confidence–and life! But the team encounters a few challenges along the way.
Be sure to follow Michael’s Dog Blog for more kids’ book reviews, plus fun dog facts for kids, dog heroism stories, and tales of Michael’s adventures raising his dog, Hudson. You can enter your email in the box on the left.
Watch the video trailer for the book here:
Here’s a review of our book, “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence:”
“Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence” is a wonderful story that teaches kids and their families about the important relationships we can have with dogs and illustrates beautifully how there can be more than one way to do something… and that the best way isn’t always the obvious way! It promotes relationships above results and creative thinking above the status quo. A great read for any dog-lovers!
– Phoebe Spier, Musician & Child/Youth Development Professional
I’ve read this book, and I think it’s funny, too! It’s a lighthearted story about kids learning to be responsible.