Fun Dog Facts for Kids: Dogs’ Ears Get Hot When They Swim!
In this video, Julie, who helps dogs learn how to swim and get low-impact exercise, explains that dogs’ ears get really hot when they swim. When they work out too much, they get hot dog ears! Julie checks the inside of their ears after a few minutes of exercise. In this video, she’s working with Michael’s dog, Hudson: Watch the video here:
Julie says that even when dogs are exercising on land, their ears can get hot. It’s good if the dogs’ ears are warm because it means they’re working out. If dogs’ ears get too hot, they can get leg cramps, she says. By feeling the inside of dogs’ ears, you can also feel the dogs cool off. Julie provides a lot of fun dog facts for kids!
To learn more fun dogs facts for kids, follow Michael’s Dog Blog and subscribe to his youtube channel here: www.youtube.com/user/BashAndLucy. And be sure to check out Michael’s illustrated children’s book. The book stars a sporty Golden Retriever named Lucy who has lots to teach a boys’ soccer team–if only Coach will let her!
This is a fun and informative video for anyone who has dogs, and very timely for summer, when many people take their dogs to the river or the beach. I love the ending when the camera turns to Michael, who can’t keep his feet out of the water–very funny!
Thanks, Kristi. We plan to post more fun dog facts for kids from Julie soon!