Dog Fact for Kids: Identifying a Dog Having A Bad Day
In this video, Michael, co-author of “Bash And Lucy Fetch Confidence,” shows what an unfriendly dog–or a dog having a bad day–looks like. The key is to look at the dog’s tongue and tail, he says.
You can watch the video here:
Michael wanted to do this video after he encountered a man walking an unfriendly dog while he and his mom were walking their very friendly puppy, Hudson. The man walking the unfriendly dog told Michael, “My dog’s a bit of a bully. Sorry.” So Michael and his mom avoided the dog.
This was the first time Michael had met a dog that didn’t want to meet his pup Hudson, and Michael was intrigued. He watched the dog’s tongue and tail. In the video, you’ll find out what he discovered.
To learn more fun dog facts for kids, follow Michael’s Dog Blog by entering your email in the box to the left of this blog.
Be sure to check out Michael’s book, starring a very friendly Golden Retriever who has lots to teach a boys’ soccer team. Learn more about “Bash and Lucy Fetch Confidence” on the home page.
And keep watching dogs’ tongues and tails!
Michael, how about doing another video about kids, dogs and safety? There might be other ways for kids to be safe around dogs.
I’ll pass this idea along to Michael. I’m sure he’ll come up with lots of ideas. That’s his specialty!